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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

When is it Time to Replace Your Heating System?

If your heating system doesn't have the same kick it used to, you might be thinking about replacing it entirely. However, depending on how old your system is, you may feel like you need to squeeze every last bit of use from your current system before you upgrade. Did you know that this idea could cost you a lot more money?

Here are a few signs that it's okay to install a new heating system, and that doing so might actually save you money on your energy bills in the long run.

  • Your heat pump is over 10 years old.
  • Your furnace is over 15 years old.
  • Your energy bills are rising.
  • Your heating system needs to be repaired on a regular basis.
  • The heating system is not heating certain rooms, or is heating them too much.
  • You don't have a programmable thermostat.
  • Your home becomes too dry during the winter months.
  • Your heating system is too loud.
Do any of these sound like your current system -- especially the first two? If so, a brand new heating system installation is a worthwhile investment.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Saving Energy While Heating Your Home

So you've recently had a heating system installed or a furnace repair and your home is warming up. Unfortunately, your energy bills are shooting through the roof. What's causing this? More than likely, it's warm air escaping your home through cracks in your doors or windows. By following some of the tips given in this video, you'll be able to keep your home warmer while using less energy which, ultimately, helps you spend less money.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Tax Credits for Energy-efficient HVAC Systems

Did you know you can save money by choosing to have an energy-efficient HVAC system installed in your home? The government provides a 10% tax credit on on a systems cost up to $500, or will credit a certain amount back between $50 and $300.

What kinds of systems are covered? Advanced main air circulating fans; air source heat pumps; central air conditioning; gas, propane, or oil hot water boilers; and natural gas, propane, or oil furnaces. To learn more about what types of systems meet the government requirement for energy efficiency, you can call us at 717-938-3796 or visit our website.